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动漫频道 > 2009动漫真人电影宝典 > 2009动漫真人电影宝典电影资料



  华纳兄弟影片公司 [美国]

  Legendary Pictures [美国]

  DC Comics [美国]

  Syncopy [美国]


  华纳兄弟影片公司 [美国] (2008) (USA) (theatrical)

  华纳兄弟公司 [英国] (2008) (UK) (theatrical)

  Karo Premiere [俄罗斯] (2008) (Russia) (theatrical)

  Turner Network Television (TNT) [美国] (2010) (USA) (TV)

  华纳兄弟公司 [阿根廷] (2008) (Argentina) (theatrical)

  华纳兄弟公司 [日本] (2008) (Japan) (theatrical)

  华纳兄弟公司 [荷兰] (2008) (Netherlands) (theatrical)

  华纳兄弟公司 [新加坡] (2008) (Singapore) (theatrical)

  Village Films [希腊] (2008) (Greece) (theatrical)

  Warner Bros. GmbH [德国] (2008) (Germany) (theatrical)

  Fox-Warner [瑞士] (2008) (Switzerland) (theatrical)

  Sandrew Metronome Distribution Finland [芬兰] (2008) (Finland) (theatrical)

  Sandrew Metronome Distribution Sverige AB [瑞典] (2008) (Sweden) (theatrical)

  Argentina Video Home (AVH) [阿根廷] (2008) (Argentina) (DVD) (special edition)/(2009) (Argentina) (DVD) (Blu-ray)

  华纳家庭视频公司 [德国] (2008) (Germany) (DVD)

  华纳家庭视频公司 [美国] (2008) (USA) (DVD)/(2008) (USA) (DVD) (Blu-ray)

  Warner Home Vídeo [巴西] (2008) (Brazil) (DVD)


  BUF [法国]

  Double Negative [英国]

  Gentle Giant Studios Inc. [美国]

  New Deal Studios [美国] (visual effects miniatures and photography)

  Animal Makers [美国] (animatronic animals)

  Framestore Ltd. [英国]

  Mediscene Ltd. [英国]


  Casting Collective [英国] extras casting

  Dolby Laboratories [美国] sound post-production

  Flashpoint Studios [美国] project consulting

  Gearbox (Sound and Vision) Ltd. [英国] additional ProTools systems supplied by

  Joe Dunton (Cameras) Ltd. (I) (II) [英国] video assist equipment

  Kodak Limited [英国] motion picture film supplied by

  Lidar Services Inc. [美国] visual effects (Lidar scanning and modelling)

  Media Safety Ltd. [英国] health & safety

  Midnight Transfer [英国] dailies transfer

  Panavision (UK) Ltd. [英国] camera equipment provided by

  Salon Ltd. [英国] avid editing equipment

  Warner Bros. Records [美国] soundtrack

  Warner Sunset Records [美国] soundtrack

  Air Lyndhurst Studios [英国] music recorded at (as Air Studios, London)

  The London Session Orchestra [英国] orchestra (uncredited)

  October Pictures Limited [香港] production service

  Dennis Davidson Associates [英国] international publicity

  Warner Brothers Post-Production Services [美国] sound post-production

  拍摄地 Atwood Cafe - 1 W Washington St, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  Battersea Power Station, Battersea, London, England, UK

  Bedford, Bedfordshire, England, UK

  Brach's Candy Factory - 401 N. Cicero Street, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  (Gotham Hospital exteriors)

  Chertsey, Surrey, England, UK

  Chicago, Illinois, USA

  Criterion Theatre, Jermyn Street, St James's, London, England, UK

  George Farmiloe Building - 28-36 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, England, UK

  (Police HQ)

  Hotel 71 - 71 E. Wacker Drive, Downtown, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  IBM Building - 330 N Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA


  International Finance Centre, Central, Hong Kong, China

  Leavesden Studios, Leavesden, Hertfordshire, England, UK

  London, England, UK

  Los Angeles, California, USA

  Lower Wacker Drive, Downtown, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  (car chase scene)

  McCormick Place - 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive, Near South Side, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  (Fox's meeting with Lau)

  Millennium Station, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  Navy Pier - 600 E. Grand Avenue, Near North Side, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  Old Post Office, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  (bank heist)

  Old Town, Near North Side, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  Piccadilly Circus, Piccadilly, London, England, UK

  Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, England, UK

  Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong, China

  Richard J. Daley Center - 55 W. Randolph Street, The Loop, Downtown, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  Senate House, University College London, Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London, England, UK

  St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, England, UK

  The Center, Central, Hong Kong, China

  The Peninsula Hong Kong Hotel, Salisbury Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

  Trump International Hotel & Tower - 401 N Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  (skyscraper under construction in finale)

  Twickenham, Middlesex, England, UK

  Twin Anchors Restaurant & Tavern - 1655 N. Sedgwick Street, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA

  Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong, China


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