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动漫频道 > Aniwow!2008第三届中国(北京)国际大学生动画节 > 国际大学生动画节相关



















  ㈠ 竞赛单元

  ⒈ “白杨奖”大学生竞赛单元



  ⒉ ASIFA中国奖


  ⒊ SIGGRAPH优秀学生作品奖

  旨在发掘CG技术与艺术领域优秀的学生作品,鼓励动画及图形视效等相关领域的优秀人才。这是SIGGRAPH (ACM美国计算机协会主办的CG领域世界权威学术组织)组委会首次在美国以外的其它国家设立并支持的奖项。








  ㈡ 展映单元

  1. 中国日 10月21日

  ⑴ 动画电影《风云决》及幕后制作

  ⑵ 动画电影《真功夫之奥运在我家》及幕后制作

  2. 法国日 10月22日

  ⑴ 法国动画短片展

  ⑵ 法国动画电影《太阳公主》等影片展映

  ⑶ 法国2008最新动画电影《暗夜恐惧》及幕后制作

  ⑷ 法国高布兰学院优秀学生作品展

  3. 美加日 10月23日

  ⑴ 加拿大国家电影局经典影片展映

  ⑵ 加拿大Sheridan学院优秀学生作品展

  4. 英国日 10月24日

  ⑴ 英国动画大奖特展

  ⒌ 其他


  ⑵ 国外优秀学生作品展

  ⑶ SIGGRAPH2008电脑动画节获奖作品展

  ⑷ 中国传媒大学动画学院师生优秀作品展

  ㈢ 展览

  ⑴ 中国动画艺术陈列展

  ⑵ ACM SIGGRAPH Spacetime 2008获奖作品展

  ⑶ 日本集英社漫画展

  ㈣ 大师课程


  ㈤ 特别活动

  1. 【Aniwow!2008】第三届中国(北京)国际大学生动画节开幕式暨




  2. 中国动画艺术精神——中国动画前辈对话录



  ⒊ 30岁前我们能做什么?——中国青年动画先锋论坛






  Initiated by Communication University of China in 2006,[Aniwow!] China (Beijing) International Student Animation Festival is the first international student animation festival in China which is approved by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and supported by Beijing Municipal People's Government.

  Adhering to the principles of authority, originality, academic stress and internationalization, the festival aims to construct a globally renowned platform to show the achievement of cartoon and animation in the world and promote China’s original cartoon and animation films.

  [Aniwow!2008] China (Beijing) International Student Animation Festival is co-organized by Communication University of China and Beijing TV Station. With the integration of the best university in the field of communication and major TV media, this year’s festival will take a new look and appeals to numerous animation artists, industry leaders and animation enthusiasts who gather on the CUC campus for the festival.

  At this very moment, we look forward to [Aniwow!2008] China (Beijing) International Student Animation Festival, a platform for communicating ideas, interchanging accomplishments and embodying talents!


  Communication University of China

  China Millennium Monument


  The theme of the festival is reflected by a Chinese character 煜 (Yu) which means shine, blaze implying the meaning of outstanding and preeminent. As it says, “The sun brighten the day, the moon shines the night”. This theme, characterized with the refinement and conciseness of Chinese language and breath of times, encouraged young people to audaciously create, express themselves and seek the inspiration in the long river of human’s profound and centuries-old history and culture, in modern science and technology, and on the way of pursing the dream of youth.

  Activity Features

  Strong combination of College and Media

  Creativity Oriented Activities

  International Academic Atmosphere

  All-round Display Platform

  Main Activities

  A. Competitions

  1. White Poplar Award for international university students

   Aimed at encouraging the young animation directors with innovation, passion and artistic talent in the animation, comic art and new media area.

   Entry Categories: Animation, VFX, Interactive Design, and Comic Art & Illustration.

  2. ASIFA China Award

   Only for the Chinese works. Aimed at encouraging the young animation directors with innovation, passion and willingness for artistic creation and inheriting Chinese culture.

  3. ACM SIGGRAPH Education Award

   The first award SIGGRAPH Organizing Committee has set and supported in countries other than America. Aimed at encouraging young talents in the filed of CG and animation.

  4. Little White Poplar Award for high school students in China

   Aimed at fostering and inspiring the passion for animation creation of the Chinese teenagers, looking for creative candidates for the student recruiting of Animation School of CUC.

   Entry Categories: Comic Art, Digital Media Art, Game Design.

  5. [Aniwow! 2008] Organizing Committee Awards

   Beijing Animation Creativity Award

  Aimed at encouraging the passion for animation creation of individuals and organizations in Beijing, presenting achievements and promoting the growth of Beijing culture creative industry

   KAKU Animation Creativity Award

  Targeting at excellent domestic original animation productions, building platform for the creators to publicize their works, reinforcing the connection between creation and market needs, providing opportunities for communication and co-operation among domestic and international cartoon & animation enterprises, experts and scholars. Works for this competition are mainly from KAKU yearly animation programs and White Poplar Award entry works. Award winners will be selected through both media rating and public voting.

  B. Screening

  1. China Day- Oct. 21

  [1] Animated feature film- Storm Rider

   Screening

   Behind the Scenes

  [2] Animated feature film- Olympics is in My Family

   Screening

   Behind the Scenes

  2. France Day- Oct. 22

  [1] Screening for French animated short films

  [2] Animated feature film- La Reine Soleil

  [3] Animated feature film- Peurs du Noir

  [4] Gobelins student works

  3. North America Day- Oct. 23

  [1] NFB first films

  [2] Sheridan student works

  4. UK Day

  [1] BAA Special

  [2] SIGGRAPH 2008 Award-winning Films

  5. Other Screenings

  [1] Official selection of White Poplar Award

  Selected pieces from the submissions of [Aniwow!2008] competitions.

  Foreign student works

  [3] Award-winning Works of SIGGRAPH 2008 Computer Animation Festival

  [4] Animation School of Communication University of China Student Works

  C. Exhibitions

  [1] The Exhibition for Chinese Animation Artists

  [2] Award-winning Works of ACM SIGGRAPH SpaceTime 2008

  [3] Comic Exhibition of Shueisha, Japan

  D. Master Classes

   Professional and inspiring lectures given by experts from NFB, Disney, Sheridan, Gobelins, South Korea, etc..

  E. Special Events

  1. Opening Ceremony of [Aniwow! 2008] 3rd China (Beijing) International Student Animation Festival

   Date:October 21st, 2008

   Venue:Conference Hall of 400 at Communication University of China

  2. Spirit of Chinese Animation Art ----- Chinese Animation Masters Talk Show

   Date:October 23rd, 2008

   Venue:Conference Hall of Animation School

  3. What Can We Do Before 30 Years Old? ----China Animation Young Pioneer Forum

   Date:October 24th, 2008

   Venue:Conference Hall of 400 at Communication University of China

  4. [Aniwow! 2008] 3rd China (Beijing) International Student Animation Festival White Poplar Award Ceremony

   Date:October 24th, 2008

   Venue:Conference Hall of 1500 at Communication University of China





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