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动漫频道 > transformers > 变形金刚音乐



  You got the touch

  You got the power

  After all is said and done

  You've never walked, you've never run,

  You're a winner

  You got the moves, you know the streets

  Break the rules, take the heat

  You're nobody's fool

  You're at your best when when the goin' gets rough

  You've been put to the test, but it's never enough

  You got the touch

  You got the power

  When all hell's breakin' loose

  You'll be riding the eye of the storm

  You got the heart

  You got the motion

  You know that when things get too tough

  You got the touch

  You never bend, you never break

  You seem to know just what it takes

  You're a fighter

  It's in the blood, it's in the will

  It's in the mighty hands of steel

  When you're standin' your ground


  And you never get hit when your back's to the wall

  Gonna fight to the end and you're takin' it all

  You got the touch

  You got the power

  When all hell's breakin' loose

  You'll be riding the eye of the storm

  You got the heart

  You got the motion

  You know that when things get too tough

  You got the touch

  You're fightin' fire with fire

  You know you got the touch

  You're at your best when when the road gets rough

  You've been put to the test, but it's never enough

  You got the touch

  You got the power

  You got the touch

  You got the power


用户:  匿名  隐藏地址  设为辩论话题



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