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  王云非 Wang Yunfei

  男 Male

  28 twenty-eight

  中国 China

  雨果 Hugo

  女 Female

  10 ten

  中国 China


  我叫王云非, 出生于中国"辽宁"沈阳的一个军人家庭, 现任其卡通动画公司《奇异家族》导演/总经理。

  l Tell us a little bit about your background?

  Named Wang Yunfei. I was born to an armyman’s family in Shenyang,

  Liaoning Province of China and am currently the Director of the Fantastic Family and CEO of ITS Cartoon Company.

  4岁时开始接受绘画教育, 画笔陪伴了我几乎全部的童年, 大学期间先后任职于7家平面公司从事设计工作, 并在工作期间自学flash这个软件, 毕业后我放弃了平面设计, 来到北京任职于一视觉影视后期公司并担任二维、三维、后期特效三个部门的技术总监, 此时的我已经很满足了, 但始终觉得商业的视觉设计与我的人生目标还有一定距离。

  At the age of 4, I began to receive drawing and painting training. As a matter of fact, painting accompanied me throughout my childhood. Still during my college years, I worked as a designer for seven plane ad companies successively and learned by myself the FLASH software in these companies. After graduation, I gave up plane design and got a post as a technical director of di-D, tri-D and special effects in a film and TV post-production company. Despite my true satisfaction with my job, I still feel the gap between the current commercial visual design and my real destination in my career life.

  2002年我与雪松、袁梅联合创办了其卡通动画, 并担任60集动画情景喜剧《快乐东西》的导演, 我是个又健忘又怀旧的人, 有些事情不记得了, 但我仍清楚的记得2002年的感受, 当时我就对自己说, 动画将是我一生不变的职业, 我不必在四处飞翔了, 动画这座圣洁的殿堂接纳了我这个虔诚的信徒。

  In 2002, I co-launched ITS Cartoon Company with Xuesong and Yuan Mei and also served as the director of the 60-series cartoon situation comedy—Happiness Everywhere. Being forgetful but nostalgic, I always remembered my feelings in 2002 though a lot of things faded away from my memory. At that time, I determinedly knew cartoon would be my life career. Not needing to wander about, I was like a pious disciple received into the holy hall of “Cartoon”.



  生活在林区的小女孩雨果, 偶然发现了一只白色的小狮虎兽, 雨果将受伤的小狮虎带回家, 粗心大意的父亲大山却使小狮虎兽落在了坏人的手中, 失去孩子的狮子、老虎抓走了雨果, 人类与动物都要救自己的孩子, 就此一段奇异的人兽营救行动激烈的展开了……

  本片通过幽默的对白、紧张的剧情、刺激的视觉效果, 来表达人与人、人与动物、人与自然的内心情感, 对于环保精神的呼吁一直暗藏在本片中。

  2 What story does the cartoon film—Fantastic Family present?

  The little girl living in the forest with the name of Hugo came across a small injured white liger. She was so kind as to take this poor beast home; however, because of the carelessness of her father, the little liger was finally trapped by some rascals. Its parents-the lion and the tiger—revenged their anger by snatching Hugo away. In order to save their respective loving child, both the human beings and the beasts were engaged in the fantastic and intense rescuing action.

  The film expresses the human feelings towards each other, animals and nature by virtue of its humorous dialogues, intense scenario and stunning visual effects.

  Besides, the calling for environmental protection is also implicitly stated here.


  我不认为奇异就是奇幻的外表与异样的世界观, 世界上最奇异的是情感, 最平凡的也是最不平凡的, 这是本片的奇异。“家族”泛指有血缘关系的体系, 我的观点是人、动物、自然可以称为一个大家族, 每个部分都息息相关、缺一不可, 这是本片的家族。

  3 Why is the film called Fantastic Family?

  In my view, the word “Fantastic” does not only refers to the peculiar outlook and different world view. In fact, the most extraordinary thing is feeling. What is most common is exactly the most uncommon。 That is the key message conveyed by “Fantastic”. “Family” means a genealogy by blood. In broad sense, I think we can call the community of mankind, animals and nature a big family with every component closely related to one another and indispensable to the whole. That is the point of “Family” in the title.



  是我的同伴, 他们给了我最大的鼓舞和激励, 其卡通的每个人都在给予我, 在我的心中他们不只是同事, 而是亲人、朋友、战友, 2004-2006那段时期我很迷茫, 那段时间基本在上班时间我都在从事公司的管理工作, 我只能在有限的业余时间中进行专业练习, 生存与梦想的矛盾让我迷失了自己, 就在我最痛苦的时候同伴出现了, 几乎是所有人都在用实际行动拯救我, 我的灵感来自于这种解救, 是同伴指引我勇敢的前行, 也是同伴让我的专业得到了提升。

  4 Who are your main inspirations? / What are your influences?

  As my dear companions, Xuesong and Yuan Mei gave me great encouragement and excitement. So did every colleague in the company. They all are not merely colleagues but family, friends and comrades to me. From 2004 to 2006, I got confused in my job. Since I spent all my work time in the management of the company, my free time for my professional engagement was very much limited. I nearly lost myself in the dilemma between reality and dream. Then, they came to my rescue and tided me over my suffering. Finally I regained inspiration from this salvation, went ahead with courage under their guidance and enhanced my professional level due to their help.


  我的家人与同伴是我保持动力的主要因素, 兴趣不需要保持, 对我来说能一生从事动画专业是一种奢侈, 当眼前的幸福已让你不再有任何奢求时, 脚踏实地的做事就可以了。

  5 How do you keep motivated and interested?

  My family and companions are the major incentives to my working momentum. As there is no need to keep one’s hobby and it is already a luxury to make my hobby be my job, I, fully contented with the present happiness and eager for nothing more, only need to carry on my career on a solid ground


  我代表其卡通来回答这个问题, 2008年我们的动画电影作品《奇异家族》将与大家见面, 这次采访的主角其实是《奇异家族》, 作为这部影片的导演我感到非常荣幸, 与此同时, 其卡通还有两部动画电影《小船长》、《水晶男孩》正在进行前期策划, 《奇异家族》是为中国动画的崛起拉开序幕, 是其卡通的处女作, 相信《小船长》、《水晶男孩》以及中国的动画片会更精彩。

  6 Do you have any new projects coming up that you can tell us about?

  I will answer the question on behalf of the company: our cartoon film “Fantastic Family” will come out in 2008. So “Fantastic Family” shall be today’s major topic, of which I am very proud to be the director. Meanwhile, another two cartoons—Small Captain and Crystal Boy are in the pre-creation stage. As the virgin product of our company, Fantastic Family draws the curtain of the rise of the Chinese cartoon industry, Small Captain and Crystal Boy and other Chinese cartoons shall usher us to a more mature and wonderful cartoon world.



  动画这个学科要求你必须掌握设计、绘画、表演、视听、叙事五大类技能, 所以了解本国以及国外的设计师是我们的必修课, 优秀的设计师作品中的一些元素对于我的专业是非常有帮助的, 我们会通过订阅一些专业的杂志或互联网来获取这方面的信息。

  7 What do you know about your country’s design/designers?

  To be a successful cartoon professional requires five types of techniques: design, painting, performance, audio and video capacity and narration. It is a compulsory course to understand the designers in China and foreign countries. Some elements in those outstanding works of famous designers renders much help to me. Moreover, we will subscribe for some professional magazines or go to the internet for more information.


  平稳的心态是做任何事情的关键, 中国的一句老话“笨鸟先飞”, 我觉得越是资质优秀的设计师越应该先飞, 不要辜负父母给你的优秀基因, 有很多资质聪慧的设计师满足于自身的优势而最终一事无成, 还是中国的一句老话“天道酬勤”。

  8 Any words you would like to pass it to new comer designers?

  A peaceful and stable mind is crucial to any success. As a Chinese old saying narrates: “clumsy birds have to start flying early”, in my view, the more gifted a designer is, the more early he or she shall start to rise in order not to fall short of his or her born talents. Many ingenious designers make no achievements in the end because of his or her excessive self-contentedness, which is a negative example of another Chinese idiom: Fortune always appreciate a hardworking person.


  希望大家关注《奇异家族》, 关注其卡通, 关注中国原创动画力量。

  Any final comments:

  I sincerely hope for your attention to Fantastic Family, to ITS Cartoon Company and to Chinese original cartoon force.




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